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Breixo Pastoriza

Breixo is one of the most recognised accessibility professionals in Spain. CPWA certified in accessibility by the IAAP, he is a member of the W3C Advisory Committee and is part of the international team of professionals developing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) within the Web Accessibility Initiative. As a member of the board of the Spanish Association of Accessibility Professionals, Breixo develops activities aimed at promoting digital accessibility. He is also a member of UNE-ISO as an expert in digital accessibility and a member of the committee on accessibility in public procurement of ICT products: CTN-UNE 170/GT 1.

All Sessions By Breixo Pastoriza

The impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) on digital accessibility testing using automation tools
29th May 16:30h - 17:15h
Track 3