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Test Reporting

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Identifying your customer: Test reporting at all level

Learn how to create test reports which build trust, show progress and indicate the products quality. The more that testing happens, the more reports are created. We’ve all been there at one point or another, filing test reports away and wondering if anyone actually reads them. The primary reason that reports aren’t read? Information overload. The consumer gets overwhelmed having to find and process key information. The result? They just stop consuming it and confidence is lost. Often resulting in weekly status update meetings, so they feel like they’re back in control again. To avoid this, I’ve identified the needs of the primary consumer of your report (aka customer). As a tester, you are well versed in getting to know your customer, thinking like them, empathising and making sure their needs are satisfied. So let’s utilise that super power and put it to good use when creating reports.

Richard will introduce the reporting pyramid that shows you the level of detail you need to include in your report, based on the seniority of the consumer. From reporting defects to the dev team, all the way up to reporting on quality to stakeholders. Are there any other magic tricks involved? Yes. Richard will show you how to use progress indicators and action items to slim line your reports and deliver key information effectively, focusing on risk and building trust.

What you’ll learn

From this workshop you will learn how to:

Understand what managers and stakeholders want from a test report.

Be able to identify the key metrics which matter.

Understand how much detail is needed, using the reporting pyramid.

Report more confidently at all levels.

Learn to profile the people who consume your reports.

What you’ll need

You don’t need to bring anything to this workshop

Workshop details

Track 3

14:00h - 18:00h · May 28th

4 hour workshop

Test Reporting, Test Management

General Level

Workshop in English

A short note from Richard on his workshop


Richard Hinton

Richard is passionate about improving software development, from baking in quality from the outset to ensuring that the customers’ needs are always at the forefront. His career started with 16 years as a software developer, always focusing on delivering the best experience for the customer. He then naturally moved into the quality space, as a senior test engineer, bringing best practices to test automation and extending his knowledge of quality engineering. After working in a wide range of industries he moved into the consultancy space and became a Lead Test Engineer, building a quality community, mentoring and teaching.  He continues to love testing and continues to be passionate about learning and developing within this space.