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Game Show

Game Show

Game Show

Have fun at the end of the day!

The expo:QA Game Show is a great opportunity to voice your opinion on numerous topics about testing. We’ll have a panel of conference speakers on stage who’ll respond to statements chosen by the audience. There will be 3 rounds, each lasting 15 minutes and each having one of the chosen topics and relating statements to discuss, that will be cosen by the audience, using Kahoot.

Why not get involved?

If you want to participate on stage and be part of the panel, please let us know in advance, providing us with your name and the company you work for. Remember to sit in the first row of the hall (track 1) before the show starts.


Track 1

29th May

Session in English, translated to Spanish

17:25h - 18:25h

Who sponsors the Game Show?



Sanne Visser

Sanne Visser is a test manager and quality lead at Capgemini in the Netherlands. She has over a decade’s worth of experience in software testing. Throughout her career she has worked on a wide variety of projects from insurance systems to railway software solutions. Her main technical focus is E2E testing in complex software systems. She was chairperson of the blockchain testing community from 2018 to 2021. Sanne is a part-time stoic and loves talking to her team about learning resilience using stoicism. Her motto is ‘Every effort is beautiful, you are what you do everyday’.