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Test Automation

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Test automation at scale with Robot Framework

At Dutch Lotteries (Nederlandse Loterij) Sander uses the same Robot Framework repository with 11 other testers across 7 teams. Their approach can scale up further. Peek behind the curtain at how they maintain quality across all test suites. Building quality test automation at scale is hard, especially when many people of various skill levels are involved. Often, this results in clashing approaches, accidentally rebuilding existing functionality, bad code, and inconsistency.

At Dutch Lotteries (Nederlandse Loterij), they found various ways of dealing with scaling issues:

· Test Automation Guild to raise skill levels.

· Required reviews as a teaching tool.

· Build well-documented and flexible shared functionality.

· Structure the repository for clear scopes and flexibility.

· Write organization-specific standards.

· Make lint rules to enforce their standards, you’ll take a look at their approach so you can use those ideas to scale up your test automation.

What you’ll learn

From this talk you will learn how to:

Maintain test suite quality at scale.

Teach an organization to make good test automation.

The importance of documentation in the right place.

Standards can help you.

Session details

Track 2

12:00h - 12:45h · May 22nd

40 min talk + 5 min Q&A

Test Automation

General Level

Talk in English, Translated to Spanish


Sander van Beek

Sander is a technical tester that focuses on automation. To him, a test that’s worth doing is also worth automating. He combine his technical expertise with the human and organizational sides of testing. Technical solutions are great, but the bigger challenge is making people use them at scale. Sander thinks it’s fun to create something new. He think complexity is fun and more complexity is more fun. He uses his programming skills to tame complexity.