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Agile Testing

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A little less testing, a little more quality

João has done testing in various forms throughout his career. Automated, exploratory, scripted, you name it! Over the years though, he’s been through situations where, even with all the testing in the world, his team couldn’t quite avoid serious quality problems with the software we were releasing. Have you ever been in such a situation as well? Or is it something you haven’t considered before? This is what we’ll be talking about in this talk!

This talk will underscore the significance of software testing in the pursuit of quality, while acknowledging its limitations. Drawing from personal experiences, João will share how adapting to shorter release cycles and architectural changes became essential, as well as a shift in strategy towards progressively rolling out new features and a focus on developers’ practices to enhance software quality. We will delve into the decision-making process between testing and alternative methods. Note that this talk is not in any way against testing. It’s about how testing should be done at the right places and right time, and how sometimes you don’t need testing at all!

What you’ll learn

From this session you will learn:

Where testing fits in our pursuit for quality and how its impact on quality is limited.

Understand how to think about quality risks and how to address them in other ways than testing.

Get to know other disciplines you may pursue to develop yourself as a quality professional and more than a tester.

Session details

Track 1

15:15h - 16:00h · May 30th

40 min talk + 5 min Q&A

Topic: Agile Testing

General Level

Talk in English, Translated to Spanish

A short note from João on his talk


João Proença

João Proença comes from Lisbon, Portugal, and is a Quality Engineer at Ada Health. He has assumed various roles throughout his career in the past 16 years, including quality assurance, development, customer support and marketing. Finding innovative solutions for difficult problems is what drives him the most, so he is always eager to talk about how professionals are overcoming testing challenges around the world. Outside of IT, João is passionate about songwriting, movies and football. You’ll see him tweet about all these topics using the @jrosaproenca handle.