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Performance Testing

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Front-end Performance testing & Microservices: How to achieve fast and fluid User Experience with Google Core Web Vitals

Google Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of three metrics that measure the loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability of web pages. They are important because they measure the user experience of a website and affect a website’s ranking in Google search results. John Lewis e-commerce platform decided to make the CWV a priority but faced the challenge of mobilising all of their Front-End DevOps microservices teams to test and monitor their Google CWV continuously, Isabelle will explain how this challenge was overcome and give an example of her team’s testing and monitoring process with the CWV.

In her presentation Isabelle will explain what the Google Core Web Vitals are and why they matter. She will then explain how her company’s front-end microservices teams were engaged and mobilised to continuously test and monitor the Core Web Vitals & the key challenges faced. Isabelle will also provide real-world examples of a microservice team’s testing and monitoring process, including the tools they use.

What you’ll learn

From this talk you will learn how to:

Understand the importance of Google Core Web Vitals for websites

Learn about a successful example of how to get a large number of teams to be mobilised to improve their front-end performance and maintain a high Google Core Web Vitals score as well as hear about how the key challenges faced when mobilising the teams were dealt

See practical examples of how Core Web Vitals are tested and monitored by a DevOps Microservice team

Session details

Track 2

16:30h - 17:15h · May 29th

40 mins + 5 mins Q&A

Topic: Performance Testing

Advanced Level

Talk in English, translated to Spanish

A short note from Isabelle on her talk


Isabelle Cosar

Isabelle is a French Product Engineer, based in London (UK), with 25+ years of experience in quality engineering, and passionate about performance and operability testing. She has a proven track record in the financial services industry, where she led non-functional testing teams. Currently Isabelle is a Quality Engineer in microservices at John Lewis, a leading UK retailer with a well-developed DevOps e-commerce platform.