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Let’s kick-off the conference!

Meet the organiser of expo:QA, Graham Moran, who’ll open the show and go through the logistics of the event for the two conference days. 



Graham Moran

Graham has being working in QA for 25 years and currently works for NEXO QA, managing quality engineering services. He is a trainer of software testing and has been giving professional training for 15 years, also managing the training division in NEXO QA. He teaches software testing at a Barcelona university as part of a masters degree. He loves being part of the Spanish testing community and has organised events for the last 10 years to promote and grow the testing community. Graham has organised expo:QA since 2015 and has helped grow the event to its current capacity and international status. 

Come up and say hello to Graham at expo:QA this year, he loves meeting new testers as well as seeing colleagues from the past.