Federico Toledo
Driven by the challenge of making a positive impact through quality software, Federico Toledo boasts 20 years in the IT field. He’s the co-founder and Chief Quality Officer of Abstracta, a company focused on testing, innovation and development. Federico holds a degree in Computer Engineering from UDELAR in Uruguay, a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLM in Spain and is also a graduate of the Stanford + LBAN SLEI program. A renowned speaker and author, he also hosts the “Quality Sense” podcast and its namesake conference, and the Latin American branch of the prestigious Workshop on Performance and Reliability, showcasing his unparalleled commitment to software excellence.
See my session
https://expoqa.eu/events/cd2-t2-tk4/All Sessions By Federico Toledo
New Challenges in Software Quality Brought by GenAI and LLMs
22nd May
16:10h - 16:55h